In a new message shared on the ResetEra forums, Omnipotent, who correctly revealed information about several From Software titles, including Elden Ring, provided an interesting clarification on whether the next entry in the series will be influenced by the Souls series. In their explanation, Omnipotent highlighted that Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon may have elements from the Souls games, but only because they existed in the franchise before and are a core part of From Software’s design philosophy. At the same time, the game will have elements that will be a radical departure from the Souls game when it comes to the gameplay loop, structure, and more. While the game may have elements that are in line with Souls games, that’s because those existed in the franchise before Souls did because they’re pillars of Fromsoft’s design language as a collective. But it’ll also have many elements that make it a radical departure from Souls games in its inherent design and structure as well as the overall and moment to moment gameplay loop that means it might not be to the taste of every Souls fan. Because it’s not Armored Souls, it’s Armored Core and there’s nothing wrong with that. So let us keep our expectations in check. Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon has been announced last week during The Game Awards 2022 show, although it was known to be in development for some time. The new entry in the series will feature massive three-dimensional environments, a fulfilling progression system, and more. Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon launches on yet-to-be-confirmed platforms sometime in 2023. We will keep you updated on the game as soon as more come in on it, so stay tuned for all the latest news.

Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon May Have Souls Series Elements  But Many Will Be A Radical Departure   Rumor - 26Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon May Have Souls Series Elements  But Many Will Be A Radical Departure   Rumor - 74