As revealed during The Game Awards 2022 show, the strategy game will launch on consoles sometime after it makes its debut on PC on February 23rd, with an exact release date getting revealed early next year. Marking the series’ debut on consoles, Company of Heroes 3 has been rebuilt from the ground up for PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, and it will feature a revamped user interface with intuitive readability and new control scheme that will allow for maximum precision on the battlefield.
Company of Heroes 3 launches on PC on February 23rd, 2023. The game will hit PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S sometime during 2023. The legendary strategy franchise is back! Company of Heroes 3 is the ultimate package of action, tactics and strategy. Take charge in the heat of real-time battle, then command as a General guiding the overall campaign where every decision matters. Overwhelm your opponents with four unique factions and all new international Battlegroups. Command ground, air and naval forces and build supply lines to crush enemy advances on the new Dynamic Campaign Map - no two playthroughs are ever alike! Play at your own pace across campaign and skirmish modes before diving into blistering multiplayer action. Discover the untold stories of a stunning Mediterranean theatre, featuring next generation destructible environments, all powered by Relic’s proprietary Essence Engine.