In a fresh interview posted on the Official Japanese Xbox website, From Software’s president revealed that the challenging boss is among his favorites for the feeling of loneliness that the battle evokes, which contrasts with the concept of the Radahn Festival, which many in the development team did not take seriously at first. Hidetaka Miyazaki also mentions Godrick the Grafted and Rykard the Lord of Blasphemy as some of his favorites. The Elden Ring director has also been asked if any other open-world game inspired him. While Miyazaki-san wasn’t inspired by a particular game, he played many excellent games that have influenced him, singling out The Elder Scrolls series, The Witcher 3, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The influence of the latest entry in the Zelda series is quite evident, in my opinion, so it is not surprising to see Hidetaka Miyazaki mentioning it as an influential game. Elden Ring is now available on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Xbox One worldwide. Learn more about the game by checking out my review.

Elden Ring s Director Favorite Boss Is Starscourge Radahn  The Witcher 3  Zelda  Breath of the Wild Have Inspired the Game - 47Elden Ring s Director Favorite Boss Is Starscourge Radahn  The Witcher 3  Zelda  Breath of the Wild Have Inspired the Game - 9Elden Ring s Director Favorite Boss Is Starscourge Radahn  The Witcher 3  Zelda  Breath of the Wild Have Inspired the Game - 76Elden Ring s Director Favorite Boss Is Starscourge Radahn  The Witcher 3  Zelda  Breath of the Wild Have Inspired the Game - 10