All friends, one place. Steam and Epic Games Store friends merge into one overlay allowing players to see all friends in a single list. Integrated game invites. In-game, players can search and send invites to friends across Steam and the Epic Games Store, making connecting and playing together easy. Account linking. Onboarding without emails or password prompts. With just a few clicks, Steam players can jump into a game while an Epic Games account is created under the hood for their Steam account. Update-free improvements. When games are installed, the crossplay features are distributed via a self-updating in-game overlay. Players can enjoy new features and improvements without needing to update anything themselves. Plug-and-play SDK. Each Epic Online Services toolset is self-contained, so developers can mix and match the services they want to implement, incorporate the things they want, and leave the rest. Crossplay tools are no different.

Epic is also working on adding support for more PC stores, macOS and Linux, and even console and mobile platforms. As a reminder, Epic Online Services is not restricted to the Unreal Engine and can be used with any engine, store, or platform.

Epic Online Services PC Crossplay Unites Steam and Epic Games Store Communities - 92Epic Online Services PC Crossplay Unites Steam and Epic Games Store Communities - 21Epic Online Services PC Crossplay Unites Steam and Epic Games Store Communities - 56Epic Online Services PC Crossplay Unites Steam and Epic Games Store Communities - 75Epic Online Services PC Crossplay Unites Steam and Epic Games Store Communities - 61Epic Online Services PC Crossplay Unites Steam and Epic Games Store Communities - 83