Todd Howard, the video game designer and director behind the Elder Scrolls series and the last three Fallout titles, will be an Executive Producer on the Fallout TV series for Bethesda Game Studios. Below you’ll find his comment on the announcement. Needless to say, we’ll keep you updated on this newly announced game-to-screen adaptation, the latest in a long series (The Last of Us, Halo, and Borderlands are just some of the biggest).

Fallout TV Series in the Works at Amazon Studios from Westworld Creators - 21Fallout TV Series in the Works at Amazon Studios from Westworld Creators - 24Fallout TV Series in the Works at Amazon Studios from Westworld Creators - 3Fallout TV Series in the Works at Amazon Studios from Westworld Creators - 23Fallout TV Series in the Works at Amazon Studios from Westworld Creators - 65Fallout TV Series in the Works at Amazon Studios from Westworld Creators - 27